Painting! Now, what is painting...Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment or color, in a typical sense. So we have commonly three types of genres that we can try : 1. Watercolor From vibrating, light-filled passages to richly colored transparent darks, from cascading wet washes to dry brush effects, watercolors can produce painting effects which no other medium can match. In the hands of a Master, a rapidly executed watercolor thrills with its immediacy, energy and sheer boldness. What may appear simple in execution can take years to perfect. Yes, you need a lot of patience to paint with them. But you know what it's worth it. As the name suggests you must let the water paint it.This is the only medium where the paint can flow and take its own form, beautifully winding into each other forming an ecstasy of colors on the paper. Unexpected, free-flowing, transparent backgrounds can be achieved. But with watercolors, there is no me...